April 12, 2015

Written Expression B1

Dear María,

Hello! How are you? I'm fine, and I'm writing this email to tell you and experience I had the other day.

Last weekend I decided to go to a speed-dating. The experience was good, It was in a bar, I met many people, it was very good.

But in one moment I met a one boy, the best man I've ever met.
When I saw He, I fell in love, we were talking all nigth, talking about He, and me, and what he like or He doesn´t like.

When We finished, He told me if I want to give my number to He, because He want to call me, and of course I say yes, because I was in love.
I think I will met He again, and I will tell you the detail when we will met,

A lot of kisses,

Your best friend Silvia.

January 13, 2015

My christmas card

Hello everybody! I'm Silvia, and I tell you about my christmas card.
For Christmas I wrote a card for Pau Rodriguez, a card very nice and beautiful.
In the card I wrote wishing him merry christmas and happy new year.
And the othr card, Vera wrote to me a card, very nice and wonderful, I really liked.
And I put a photo of Vera's card.
I don't have the card that I wrote to Pau.
Now, I only put a photo of Vera's card.

January 12, 2015

My ideal house

My ideal house I would have a very big garden and the house would be a very  big and fabulous.
The house would be white, because I like so much the white for a houses.
My ideal house would have a garage. In the garage would have luxury car.
The house would have a bed room, gym, garage, sitting room, bath room, kitchen..
The kitchen would be very glamorous (like the whole house), The kitchen would have
a big tables, pictures in the wall, a buffet with the best food, because in my ideal house
it's important have the best food and the best all.
My ideal garden would have a volleyball court, because I love volleyball, would have a swimming pool, many flowers, trees, all very beautiful.
In the bathroom would have a Jacuzzi, very luxury shower, one Sauna, and of course a makeup table, for be pretty.
In the top floor would have my gym, with my radio, my television, my machines to be strong.
My ideal bedroom would have a very big, comfortable and beautiful bed, many photos and pictures in the wall, a
table for study, my laptop. And of course a dressing room with a lot of shoes, clothes, dresses, etc...
To the end, the sitting room, very very big sitting room, with a sofa, luxury television, one table (similar to that of the kitchen),
pictures in the wall.
The sitting room would be very elegant and luxury, with its own library with a million of different novels.

January 4, 2015


Interviews about Christmas time and Christmas in Valencia

Hello, I'm Silvia I'll show you my insterviews about Christmas and Christmas in Valencia.
The first interview is about the christmas in Valencia, in this interview I asked people from other contruies.
I asked about 'How long are you going to stay in Valencia?' 'What do you thing is the best part of Valencia in Christmas? Why?'

All the questions are about the christmas in Valencia, because I thought the questions are good for a interview.

And the other interview, the questions are the christmas, for example, I asked 'What is your favourite christmas story?' 'At what age did you stop beliving in Christmas?'
That are a questions more simples, because is only about the christmas in general.
In that interview I asked Laia, my cousin, because She knows a lot of English.

October 5, 2014

If my house was burning...

Name: Silvia

Age: 15 years old

Ocupation: Student in ESO4

Blog: http://the-cupcake-blogger.blogspot.com.es/

If my house was burning I would save many thing I need.
My dog Toby, because is my pet, He's 2 years and I love him. I need my dog in my life, I love it.
Of course my phone and my computer, it's essential in my day to day.
If I don't have my computer or my phone, I don't have old photos, contacts. I can't talk with my friends.
I would take my DNI, because is essential for travel, and all my
money, because I need it for all, I don't have more money but it is important.
I would take my favorite book 'Canciones para Paula'. It is a present from my mother in my birthday and is signed
by the author.
I would take my watch, it's a present from my mother, if my watch was burning, I wouldn't know the time.
My photo albums is very important, because in the albums there are old photos with very old memories of my life.
And to end my make up, because it's essential to be pretty :)