April 12, 2015

Written Expression B1

Dear María,

Hello! How are you? I'm fine, and I'm writing this email to tell you and experience I had the other day.

Last weekend I decided to go to a speed-dating. The experience was good, It was in a bar, I met many people, it was very good.

But in one moment I met a one boy, the best man I've ever met.
When I saw He, I fell in love, we were talking all nigth, talking about He, and me, and what he like or He doesn´t like.

When We finished, He told me if I want to give my number to He, because He want to call me, and of course I say yes, because I was in love.
I think I will met He again, and I will tell you the detail when we will met,

A lot of kisses,

Your best friend Silvia.

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