January 4, 2015

Interviews about Christmas time and Christmas in Valencia

Hello, I'm Silvia I'll show you my insterviews about Christmas and Christmas in Valencia.
The first interview is about the christmas in Valencia, in this interview I asked people from other contruies.
I asked about 'How long are you going to stay in Valencia?' 'What do you thing is the best part of Valencia in Christmas? Why?'

All the questions are about the christmas in Valencia, because I thought the questions are good for a interview.

And the other interview, the questions are the christmas, for example, I asked 'What is your favourite christmas story?' 'At what age did you stop beliving in Christmas?'
That are a questions more simples, because is only about the christmas in general.
In that interview I asked Laia, my cousin, because She knows a lot of English.

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