August 27, 2013

The gold lasso

Tittle: The gold lasso

Author: Stephen Rabley

 Year published: 1992

Publisher: Longman Riginals

Number of pages:48

Danny Morgan, he is seventeen-year-old and he lives near San Francisco

This history ocurrs in a summer  vacations of Danny, that has a dream riding in the  rodeo and winning the gold lasso, ( the prize for the best rodeo rider) and he and his father take a holiday and go to Sunrise Ranch in Navada, the place on celebrate the rodeo but as he is very young his father is not very convince that his son participate.

 Danny manages to convince his father and he participate in the rodeo but the  horse falls and he stay in a wheelchair. In the end begins to recover and has more mobility in his legs.

My personal opinion is that the book is boring.
It is easy to read, but I did not like.

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