October 5, 2014

If my house was burning...

Name: Silvia

Age: 15 years old

Ocupation: Student in ESO4

Blog: http://the-cupcake-blogger.blogspot.com.es/

If my house was burning I would save many thing I need.
My dog Toby, because is my pet, He's 2 years and I love him. I need my dog in my life, I love it.
Of course my phone and my computer, it's essential in my day to day.
If I don't have my computer or my phone, I don't have old photos, contacts. I can't talk with my friends.
I would take my DNI, because is essential for travel, and all my
money, because I need it for all, I don't have more money but it is important.
I would take my favorite book 'Canciones para Paula'. It is a present from my mother in my birthday and is signed
by the author.
I would take my watch, it's a present from my mother, if my watch was burning, I wouldn't know the time.
My photo albums is very important, because in the albums there are old photos with very old memories of my life.
And to end my make up, because it's essential to be pretty :)